Arc Knight Tech

ProtoGenie - AI Prototype Generator

Transform Your Ideas into Reality!

Transform Your Ideas into Reality with ProtoGenie - ai prototype generator

AI Prototype Generation

Utilize our AI-powered generator to quickly turn text prompts or screenshots into fully functional prototypes. Enter your OpenAI API key and generate images effortlessly.

Specially Trained AI

Access a custom trained, self improving AI, allowing you to build complex prototypes effortlessly.

Collaboration and Feedback

Share your prototypes with team members, clients, or investors and gather feedback to refine your ideas. ProtoGenie makes collaboration seamless and efficient - just download your image!

Arc Knight Tech

Revolutionize Your Prototyping with Our AI-Powered Tool

ProtoGenie is the ultimate AI prototype generator, designed to bring your invention ideas to life. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a product manager, or a hobbyist, our cutting-edge technology makes it easy to create and enhance your prototypes with unprecedented ease and precision.

Arc Knight Tech

Unlimited Image Generation

ProtoGenie lets you generate as many images as you want without being limited by credits. Bring your own OpenAI API key, enter your prompt, and create as many images as needed for your project.

AI Concept Generator

Why Choose ProtoGenie?

Effortless PrototypingOur AI-driven platform allows you to generate detailed and interactive prototypes in minutes. With just a few clicks, transform your ideas into tangible models, ready for presentation or further development.Boost Creativity and InnovationLeverage the power of AI to spark new ideas and inspire innovative solutions. ProtoGenie provides a creative playground for you to explore and refine your concepts.

Get ProtoGenie Today


Bring your own OpenAI API key for unlimited AI images of your concepts, prototypes and inventions

How ProtoGenie Works

1. Start your journey with ProtoGenie by creating an account for just $19 per month.

2. Enter a Prompt - Input your idea as a text prompt to begin the prototype generation process.

3. Enter Your OpenAI API Key - Bring your own OpenAI API key to unlock unlimited image generation capabilities.

4. Generate Your Prototype - Use our AI-powered tools to quickly generate a prototype from your ideas, whether it's a new product, a business concept, or an innovation.

AI Prototype Generator

Industries We Serve

ProtoGenie is versatile and can be used across various industries, including:Technology: Rapidly prototype new tech gadgets and software.Healthcare: Innovate medical devices and health tech solutions.Automotive: Design next-generation vehicles and automotive components.Consumer Goods: Develop new consumer products and packaging.Fashion: Create innovative fashion designs and accessories.Education: Prototype educational tools and platforms.

Transform Your Ideas into Reality with ProtoGenie - ai prototype generator
Transform Your Ideas into Reality with ProtoGenie - ai prototype generator
Transform Your Ideas into Reality with ProtoGenie - ai prototype generator
Transform Your Ideas into Reality with ProtoGenie - ai prototype generator
Transform Your Ideas into Reality with ProtoGenie - ai prototype generator
Transform Your Ideas into Reality with ProtoGenie - ai prototype generator

Get ProtoGenie Today


Bring your own OpenAI API key for unlimited AI images of your concepts, prototypes and inventions

AI Prototype Generator

Frequently Asked Questions

What is ProtoGenie?

ProtoGenie is an AI prototype generator that helps you create interactive prototypes for your ideas quickly and easily. It is designed for inventors, entrepreneurs, and anyone looking to bring their concepts to life.

Is ProtoGenie free?

ProtoGenie costs $19 per month. This subscription gives you access to all features, including unlimited image generation with your OpenAI API key.

How does the AI prototype generation work?

Our AI takes your inputs, enhances the image prompt and generates a prototype based on those components. Simply enter your OpenAI API key to generate as many images as you need.

Can I collaborate with my team using ProtoGenie?

Absolutely. ProtoGenie allows you to share your prototypes with team members, clients, or investors for feedback and collaboration.

How does ProtoGenie help with innovation?

ProtoGenie leverages AI to inspire creativity and streamline the prototyping process. By providing quick and easy ways to generate and refine prototypes, it helps users focus on innovative solutions and bring their ideas to life efficiently.

Is ProtoGenie suitable for beginners?

Yes, ProtoGenie is user-friendly and suitable for beginners. Its intuitive design tools and AI assistance make it easy for anyone to create high-quality prototypes without prior design experience.

What types of prototypes can I create with ProtoGenie?

With ProtoGenie, you can create a wide range of prototypes, including mobile apps, web applications, and physical products. The tool's flexibility and extensive component library make it suitable for various prototyping needs.

Get Started with ProtoGenie Today

Ready to bring your ideas to life? Sign up for ProtoGenie and start creating your first prototype. Unlock your creative potential and turn your concepts into reality with the power of AI.

© ProtoGenie. All rights reserved.

Transform Your Ideas into Reality with ProtoGenie - ai prototype generator